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Nafl salat

Nafl salat (voluntary prayers) are voluntary, and one can offer as much as he or she likes almost at any time. There are many conditions or situations in which one may wish to offer Nafl prayers. It can not be offered at dawn, at noon, or at sunset. The prohibition of salat at this time is to prevent the practice of sun worship Cheap Umrah Deals UK . Nafilah salah (Arabic: صلاة نفل) is a type of Salah option in Islam. Like Sunnah salat, they are not considered mandatory, but it is believed to be an extra benefit in the person who performs them. For example, offer Duha prayers. Duha prayer Prayer Duha begins after dawn and ends at the meridian, and in general it is believed that at least two raka'ahs, although in some traditions it is number four and up to twelve. Usually, when you prayed a quarter of the day has passed. The realization of this prayer is believed to be effective in the search for the forgiveness of sins. The supererogatory morning prayer has been narrate

The supererogatory morning prayer Names

The supererogatory morning prayer has many names. Among them: Salat al-Duha or Sibhat al-Duha - Sibha say a superfluous prayer in general and Duha tomorrow meaning, mid-morning, or tomorrow afternoon. This is the name that reappears more in the narrations. Salat al-Awwabin - is the "prayer of the indulgent" as specified by the Prophet of the noon prayer when the sun is very hot. The reason for this name is that it leaves Dunia at that moment of returning. Allah the Most High and compensates the prayer of the night that was lost. Therefore Salat al-Duha is even more stressed in those who miss Tahajjud and his replacement. Salat al-Ishraq - is the "prayer of dawn" or the prayer performed very shortly after dawn. Salat al-Fath - is the "prayer of victory", as it was established that the Prophet was prayed in the morning he entered Mecca (in al-Bukhaari and Muslim) and this has become the Sunna of the military leaders at enter a newly conquered regi


Witr takes place after the salaah of isha'a (at sunset). Some Muslims consider Witr wajib while others consider it optional. That may contain any odd number of raka'ah one-eleven according to different schools of jurisprudence. However, Witr is more commonly offered with three raka'ah Cheapest Umrah Packages UK .To end the prayers at night after isha'a, some raka'ah number must have the niyyah of "wajib-ul-Lail", which is mandatory to "close" salat is for that day. Witr (in Arabic: وتر) is an Islamic prayer (salat) that takes place in the night after isha'a (night-hour of prayer) and before Fajr (morning prayer). There are some distinguishing factors of Witr prayer that differentiate it from the Fard (mandatory) and the Sunnah (recommended) sentences. Witr has an odd number of rakat prayed in pairs, with the end of raka'ah prayed separately. Therefore, only one rakat can be prayed, and eleven the majority. This differs from the usual


Eid salat takes place on the morning of Eid ul-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. The Eid prayer is more likely than an individual obligation (fard al-ayn) and Niyyah both salat Eid is done as Wajib, although some Islamic scholars claim that it is only a collective obligation (fard al-kifayah). It is two raka'at, with seven (or three of Imam Hanfi) takbirs offered before the beginning of the first raka'ah and five (or three of Imam Hanafi) before the second. After the salat has been completed, a sermon (sermon) is offered. However, the sermon is not an integral part of Eid salat. Eid salat must be offered ie between dawn and true noon between the time periods for Fajr and Dhuhr. Salat al Eid Salat al Eid (Arabic: صلاة العيد) also known as Salat al Eidain (Arabic: صلاة العيدين) is the special prayer offered to commemorate two Islamic feasts. Both the Eid are known collectively as Eidain (عيدين) in the Arabic language. The two Islamic holidays are the following: Eid Al Fitr, (in Arab

The participation of women and children in the Salat al Eid

During the time of Prophet Muhammad, it has been a practice that women and children had also participated in the Salat al Eid Umrah Tour packages Uk . Time The time of Salat al Eid begins when the sun reaches about two meters above the horizon until it reaches its zenith before Dhuhr. Adherence to the Sunnah, the time of Eid al Fitr prayer is delayed and Eid al Adha prayer is hurried, in order to facilitate the distribution of Fitrah before the Eid al Fitr prayer and the offer sacrifice after the Eid prayer to the Adha. This has been a Sunnah result and it has been so in the books of Hadith. Istikhaarah Salat al-istijaarah is a prayer performed when a Muslim needs guidance on a particular issue, such as whether he should marry a certain person. To perform this salah you must perform a normal two raka'at salah until its completion. After the completion one should say a du'a called du'a istijaarah. The intention for the salah must be in one's heart to perform t

A translation of the supplication is the following Insha'Allah:

"Oh Allah, I seek your advice for your knowledge and seek your help with your power and I ask you for your immense favor, because in truth you are capable at the same time I am not, and in truth You know, while I do not , And you the knower of the occult, Allah O, if you know this matter (issue mentioned here) to be good for me in relation to my religion, my life and after, my present and my future, and facilitate that the decree that for me, and bless me with it, and if you know this matter to be sick for me about my religion, my life and the end, my present and my future, then get it out of me and I withdraw from it, and the decree for me what is good, whatever it may be, and I am satisfied with it. " Another translation is as follows: O Allah, I seek Your guidance [in making a decision] by virtue of your knowledge, and I seek the possibility, by virtue of your power, and I ask you for your great generosity. You have the power, I do not have any. And you know, I do no

The conditions of this Salah

Ablution must be performed before entering any Salah and therefore ablution must be performed before doing Salat-ul-istijaarah Cheap Umrah Package UK . Ibn Hayar said, commenting on this hadith: "istijaarah is a word that means to ask God to help one make a decision, that is, to choose the best of the two things to choose one of them." Performing the Salah the intention should be in the hearts of some and should carry out two supererogatory raka'ah al-istijaarah. With the Salah completed one should immediately say the al-istijaarah supplications. With the supplications completed one must have no doubt that God will respond to his supplications, believing and trusting in God. This article related to Islam is a piece. Salaatul istijaarah (Prayer for guidance in the matter) istijaarah is done when a decision is made that was made in matters that are neither mandatory nor prohibited. So it is not necessary to do istijaarah to decide whether or not to go for the

There are many misconceptions attached with istijaarah such as:

Many people think that al-Salat-istikhaarah can only pray after "after the Isha prayer that the person should go to sleep. It is misconceptions, as indeed can pray istikaarah at any time of day and night. Istikhaarah it can also be done after two prayer rak'ahs of the Sunna, for example, he prayed after zuhr, or after two rak'ahs of any voluntary prayer if they are performed regularly or not, as long as one makes the intention to pray in the istijaarah same time as the intention to pray the particular prayer.Some people think that one has to have a dream after istijaarah about the matter in question, this has no solid basis. Doing istikaarah once is enough for an issue contrary to the belief of many people who think that one has to do istikaarah constantly until you get a result. It is also important to understand that doing istikaarah does not mean not doing any other effort. Instead all other possible measures should be taken such as investigating and investig


The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: "If one of you is concerned about any practical undertaking, or making plans for a trip Umrah Package December 2017 , you should perform two cycles (rak'atain) of voluntary prayer." Then, in all sincerity recite the next Du'a. اللهم إني أستخيرك بعلمك وأستقدرك بقدرتك وأسألك من فضلك العظيم فإنك تقدر ولا أقدر وتعلم ولا أعلم وأنت علام الغيوب اللهم إن كنت تعلم أن هذا الأمر خير لي في ديني ومعاشي وعاقبة أمري فاقدره لي ويسره لي ثم بارك لي فيه وإن كنت تعلم أن هذا الأمر شر في ديني ومعاشي وعاقبة أمري فاصرفه عني واصرفني عنه واقدر لي الخير حيث كان ثم ارضني به Allaahumma innee astakheeruka bi ilmika wa-wa-astaqdiruka biqudratika as'aluka min fadhlika al-adheem. Fa innaka taqdiru walaa aqdiru. Wa ta'lamu walaa a'alamu wa anta allaamul ghuyoob. Allaahumma in kunta ta'lamu anna haadhal-amr khayrun liy fiy deeniy wa-wa-ma'aashiy'aaqibat amriy, fa'qdruhliy wa-yassirh liy zumma baarik liy feehi. Wa-en kunta ta'lamu a