Nafl salat

Nafl salat (voluntary prayers) are voluntary, and one can offer as much as he or she likes almost at any time. There are many conditions or situations in which one may wish to offer Nafl prayers. It can not be offered at dawn, at noon, or at sunset. The prohibition of salat at this time is to prevent the practice of sun worship Cheap Umrah Deals UK.
Nafilah salah (Arabic: صلاة نفل) is a type of Salah option in Islam. Like Sunnah salat, they are not considered mandatory, but it is believed to be an extra benefit in the person who performs them. For example, offer Duha prayers.
Duha prayer
Prayer Duha begins after dawn and ends at the meridian, and in general it is believed that at least two raka'ahs, although in some traditions it is number four and up to twelve. Usually, when you prayed a quarter of the day has passed. The realization of this prayer is believed to be effective in the search for the forgiveness of sins.

The supererogatory morning prayer has been narrated by the Prophet, through paths that have reached the mass-narration levels - from 19 to more than 30 companions - according to Imam al-Tabari, 'al-Ayni in `Umdat al-Qari, al-Haytami, Al Munawi, and al-Qari in Sharh al-Shama'il, Ibn Hayar in Fath al-Bari, al-Kattani in Nazm al-Mutanathir, and according to the monographs compiled by -Hakim and Al-Suyuti, as well as the reviews of Abu Zur `al-` Iraqi in al-Tarh Tathrib, Ibn al-Qayyim in Zad al-Ma` ad, and al-Shawkani in Nayl al-Awtar. According to the great majority of the Salah and Khalaf Ulemas it is a desirable and commendable prayer. 
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